UNIMORE is a public university, a primary venue for free research and education and a place for the development and critical processing of knowledge. Moreover, it offers facilities with internationally sponsored research activities through its libraries, collections and laboratories.

Discover the opportunities connected to your TNA stay at UniMORE through its two Departments actively involved within the ITSERR project and its Work Packages: the Department of Education and Humanities (DESU)and the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”.
Particularly, Department of Education and Humanities (DESU) is highly involved in Religious Studies through the excellence of their didactic and research.

Moreover, the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” is leader in bringing innovation within the domain; it represents a prestigious center of research whose activities covers all the scientific and fundamental areas of Engineering. Particularly, some of the Department activities are dedicated to Computer Vision and Multimedia and to the analysis of digital images of manuscripts and other sources of cultural heritage.

At UniMORE you can enjoy the expertise of research groups working on the following ITSERR WPs: WP4-DamSym; WP5-Digital Maktaba; WP6-YASMINE and WP7-REVER. Moreover, UniMORE is involved in Religious Studies not only through the ITSERR project and its development within different fieldworks, such as the IT technologies in the development of software and tools for the improvement of the domain of the Religious Studies, but also for its didactic and courses of studies, as below:
- Master’s Degree in Religion, Histories, Cultures, organized in partnership with University of Bologna, the Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna and UniMORE.
- The Italian Doctoral Programme in Religious Studies (DREST), founded by fellowships, of which UniMORE is a partner through and whose disciplines (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Law and Religion) allow students to explore the spiritual, ethical and moral dimensions of this fieldwork.
At UniMORE the libraries are within the wide net of the Library System, which offers a collection of print and electronic materials. It supports the needs of all University departments, and holds over one million printed documents, extensive runs of journal literature and e-journals, a wide range of electronic resources, and prestigious collections of rare books.
University’s Interdepartmental Library
This library is featured by the presence on the shelves of the main part of the librarian heritage, whose is dedicated prominently to Humanities (Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Language, Arts, Literature, History and Geography), with a specific section about Religion, but also to Natural Sciences, Technologies and Applied Sciences. All the documents are related to the didactic and research led by UniMore and available for the loan.
Engineering Library “Enzo Ferrari”
The library hosts and a collection of books dedicated to different branches of engineering (civil, environmental, informatics, of the materials, mechanics, IT communications).

At UniMORE institutional users and visiting and TNA scholars have the possibility to access as users to bibliographic, citation and full text databases, differentiated according to a thematic area. The database related to the Department of Education and Social Sciences allows the access to these resources. It is also possible to use one of the most used discovery tool for bibliographical research.
The cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia are well known for their important monumental heritage, but they are also very rich in specialized collections. Please note that the following Institutions are not within our network of facilities connected to the access of ITSERR TNA, but we want to highlight their presence as we consider they could represent a further resource on the territory fwithin the domain of Religious Studies for your needs of research.
Estense Library (Modena)
Placed within Palazzo dei Musei in the downtown of Modena – the Estense Library, whose collection includes printed books, incunabula and a large assortment of illuminated manuscripts from the 14th to the 16th centuries. The centrepiece is the Bible that belonged to Borso d’Este, a 15th-century masterwork of illuminated miniature of the Ferrara School.
Diocesan Historical Archive of Modena
The Archive preserves the documents related to the cathedral of Modena (from Lombard period to recent days). The most precious nucleus is the one constituted by the manuscript codices that reached Modena over the centuries.
Theological Library “City of Reggio”
The Library hosts a modern librarian heritage about theology and philosophy, with specific sections, between the others, dedicated to: Patrology, History of the Church, Liturgy, Religions, Canonical law, Judaism.