Conference – Osservare le collezioni orientali dei Musei Reali con altri occhi: le scansioni 3D delle tavolette cuneiformi e dei rilievi neo-assiri

Biblioteca Reale Torino

Our colleagues of the ITSERR WP9 - TAURUS (Professor Stefano De Martino, Dr. Filippo Diara and Dr. Francesco Barsacchi) are the speakers of the conference organized by Musei Reali di Torino and introduced by Dr. Elisa Panero. The team presents  the results of their research applied to the collection of cuneiform tablets from the Eastern ... Read more

Panel ITSERR at #EuARe2024

"Giorgio La Pira" Library Via degli Schioppettieri, 25, Palermo, Italy

ITSERR is the Italian research project aimed at enhancing the ESFRI RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure. By endorsing new technological paradigms, the project is willing to play a pivotal role in enriching the diversity, the quality and innovation of knowledge produced by the community of Religious Studies. The panel at EuARe 2024 presents the first research and ... Read more

Third Plenary Meeting of ITSERR. State of the Art of ITSERR project and Training on Semantic Web, Ontologies and AI for Religious Studies

Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze Umane viale Timavo 93, Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy

  ITSERR has organized its own Third plenary meeting on the 10th and 11th of June to present the state of the art of the project and to offer to its team members a training program. ITSERR is the Italian project aimed at enhancing the RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure, whose high interdisciplinarity is finalized to meet ... Read more

III Convegno SISMED della medievistica italiana


Panel about digital medievistic studies in the annual conference of italian medieval scholars where our colleague Dr. Ilaria SABBATINI (ESFRI - RESILIENCE RI/PNRR ITSERR) will participate. Summary La SISMED organizza per i giorni 10-13 giugno 2024, a Udine, il III Convegno della medievistica italiana. Come nelle precedenti edizioni, il Convegno non è dedicato a un ... Read more

Digital Humanities & Artificial Intelligence

Meadow Suite - University of Reading Whiteknights, Reading, Reading, United Kingdom

Our colleagues Federico Ruozzi and Amina El Ganadi participate within the program of the conference at the University of Reading - sponsored by the Digital Humanities CoP -   with the paper "The Illusion of Knowledge: Interpreting AI Hallucinations in the Study of Humanities and the Black Box of LLMs". See the program of the conference: DH_AI_Final_Programme ... Read more

Summer School “Significanza culturale del patrimonio ecclesiastico” (8-13 luglio 2024)

Palazzo Arcivescovile Lucca Piazzale Mons. Giulio Arrigoni, 2, Lucca, Lucca, Italy

  Within the framework of the Summer School “Significanza culturale del patrimonio ecclesiastico”, promoted by the Accademia Maria Luisa di Borbone, the Università LUMSA and the Arcidiocesi di Lucca, whose venue is the Seminario arcivescovile di Lucca, our colleague Ilaria Sabbatini (ESFRI – RESILIENCE RI/PNRR ITSERR) will participate as invited professor and by presenting the ... Read more

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCA24)

International Convention Center Jeju (ICC Jeju) 224 Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of

“Trends, Applications, and Challenges in Human Attention Modelling”

Authors: Giuseppe Cartella, Marcella Cornia, Vittorio Cuculo, Alessandro D’Amelio, Dario Zanca, Giuseppe Boccignone, Rita Cucchiara

Human attention modelling has proven, in recent years, to be
particularly useful not only for understanding the cognitive processes
underlying visual exploration, but also for providing support to
artificial intelligence models that aim to solve problems in various
domains, including image and video processing, vision-and-language
applications, and language modelling. This survey offers a reasoned
overview of recent efforts to integrate human attention mechanisms into
contemporary deep learning models and discusses future research
directions and challenges.

16th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2024)

Grand Hyatt Hotel Athens 115, Syngrou Avenue, Athens, Greece

Within the framework of the prestigious 18th International conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2024)  the 16th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2024) will be jointly held. Here, our colleagues Usman Nawaz, Liliana Lo Presti, Marianna Napolitano, and Marco La Cascia (ESFRI – RESILIENCE RI/PNRR ITSERR) will participate presenting the following ... Read more

Annual Meeting on Christian Origins – Italian Centre for Advanced Studies on Religions

Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro via Frangipane 6, Bertinoro, FC, Italy

Within the framework of the Annual Meeting on Christian Origins our colleagues Anna Mambelli and Davide Dainese of ITSERR (Italian Strengthening of the ESFRI RI RESILIENCE) participate with the following paper dedicated to the research leaded within the WP8: "Resilient Septuagint and uBIQUity: Interrelated Research Projects on Sacred Texts and their Heritages in the Digital ... Read more