Data extraction from 3D scanning: post-processing filtering for analytic and informative models of small archaeological finds


URL: Data extraction from 3D scanning: post-processing filtering for analytic and informative models of small archaeological finds | Archeologia e Calcolatori

Work Package: WP 9 – Taurus

Actual 3D scanners based on the structured-light principle are opening to possibilities for creating detailed models (polygon populations) with micrometric resolutions. Consequently, highly detailed models allow specific investigations. This work focuses on 3D scanning and post-processing analysis/filtering of Ancient Near East finds, especially seals and cuneiform clay tablets, fragile artefacts that can hold a lot of semantic information beyond transliteration: e.g. seal impressions (figurative and textual sealings), fingerprint evidence, retracing and erased text. Behind the ease of use of portable structured-light scanners, hides the enormous potential for feature extraction and processing. Metric analysis (e.g. deviation analysis) coupled with the application of MSII (Multi-Scale Integral Invariant) filter enhance data extraction, changing the overall perception on details of the archaeological artefact.

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