Ubiquity. Il design della comunicazione nel progetto ITSERR
AUTHORS: Fabrizio D’Avenia, Cinzia Ferrara, Marcello Costa, Chiara Palillo
URL: http://www.societaitalianadesign.it/2024/10/29/design-per-la-diversita-2/
Work Package : WP 8 – UbiQuity
Within the Italian Strengthening of ESFRI RI Resilience ITSERR project, Ubiquity is a research platform
developed for detecting literal and non-literal quotations of the Bible and the Quran in later exegetic Greek,
Latin and Arab commentaries. The objective of Ubiquity’s team, which is made up of humanists, computer
scientists and designers, is to study and visualize data of sacred texts and interact with them thanks to
visual components belonging to analogue and digital infographic systems. This widespread availability of
skills for designing material and immaterial artefacts could be a great support for religious studies and
scientific research.