Intertestualità tra Bibbie e antichi commentari cristiani: l’esempio di simul nel De Genesi ad litteram di Agostino

AUTHORS: ANNA MAMBELLI; DAVIDE DAINESE WORK PACKAGE: WP 8 – uBIQUity URL: Keywords: Intertextuality; Biblical Quotations; Augustine; De Genesi ad litteram; Genesis (OTBook); Patristic Exegesis AbstractThis contribution presents a case study … Read more

Moving beyond the Content: 3D Scanning and Post-Processing Analysis of the Cuneiform Tablets of the Turin Collection

AUTHORS: FILIPPO DIARA; FRANCESCO GIUSEPPE BARSACCHI; STEFANO DE MARTINO URL: WORK PACKAGE: WP 9 – TAURUS KEY WORDS: 3D scanning; cuneiform tablets; digital imaging; fingerprints; MSII; sealings Abstract This work and manuscript focus on … Read more