UniOr is the home of research teams working in the fields of Antiquity studies, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, law, economics and social sciences with highly relevant libraries and collections the fields of antiquity studies, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, law, economics and social sciences with highly relevant libraries and collections.
Within ITSERR project UniOr is involved through the work led by a group of reserchers belonging to the excellence Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean (DAAM), whose activities are prominently focused on education and research.

Discover the opportunities connected to your TNA stay at UniOr, within the excellence Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean, where you can enjoy the expertise of the team of the ITSERR WP10 – ReTINA, which aims to provide a component dedicated to the production and use of digital archives that collect complex, rare and/or endangered religious texts written in various media (stone, papyrus, etc.) from the Nile Valley and beyond.
The Department of Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean (DAAM) if featured by the wealth of its specialist libraries, based at the sixteenth-century Palazzo Corigliano in Piazza San Domenico, the headquarters of DAAM. These libraries boast truly precious collections, including the ancient books of the original Chinese College.
Palazzo Corigliano

Placed at Palazzo Corigliano, the librarian heritage of this library is prominently dedicated to the study of the Eastern Regions, the African continent and the Mediterranean area.
It holds more than 300.000 monographs, 3.100 journals and resources such as CD, e, audiovisuals, photos, diapositives). Moreover, the library holds also rare ancient books also of the 14th century (cinquecentine) from the collection of Chines College, 350 manuscripts about Middle and Extreme East, a Book collections about Berberian and Ethiopian cultures of the African continent and Documents and excavation diaries from archaeological excavations led by the University.
Moreover, within the Museum system of UniOr you can find two important museums, connected to the study of Africa and the Eastern regions.
Eastern Museum “Umberto Scerrato”
The museum is dedicated to the archaeologist Umberto Scerrato (1928-2004), the first Professor of Eastern Archaeology at this University who started the collection to create didactic museum. The museums is organized in three main different sections: Islam, Eastern Africa, North-West India and China.
Museum of the African Society of Italy
The museum reflects the holistic approach in the study of the African continent between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. It displays documents related to the area under the Italian colonialism with a transversal collection: music instruments, personal ornaments, art crafts, archeological findings such as two Ptolemaic mummies from Egyptian necropolis.
Being a TNA fellow at UniOr gives you the possibility to access as user to the databases of the discovery available for the UniOr user community, together with the under subscription database with all its references, available here.
The city of Naples is renowned for its huge, monumental and artistic heritage, but it is also a perfect city for researchers for its huge monumental and old librarian heritage. Please note that the following Institutions are not within our network of facilities connected to the access of ITSERR TNA, but we want to highlight their presence as we consider they could represent a further resource on the territory fwithin the domain of Religious Studies for your needs of research.
The Girolamini’s Library
It is the elder library of Naples (1586), located within the astonishing architectonic complex of the Girolamini’s Church. Within its collections there are texts on Philosophy, Christian Theology, History of the Church and Sacred Music. It hoses more than 159.700 volumes, including old manuscripts.
National Library Vittorio Emanuele III
The National Library in Naples is the third most important library in Italy with a patrimony of around 19.000 manuscripts, 4.563 incunabula, 1.792 Herculaneum papyri, around 1.800.000 printed volumes and 8.300 journals.