WP11 Trans National Access


WP11 is dedicated to the management of the Trans National Access acitivities, which includes: administrative effort to ensure the proper development of the process from the call to the payment of the grant, provision of all necessary equipment for TNA grant holders to develop their research; coordination with the RESILIENCE TNA programme.

Through its Trans National Access Programme ITSERR offers support and expertise for researchers stays at Italian University and centers for research within the fieledwork of the Religious Studies.

In order to provide excellence-driven access to its physical and digital resources, ITSERR offers scholarships for qualified researchers (50 users for individual TNA and 25 users for team users) seeking to conduct a research visit at one of the partner facilities. The goal of the research visits is to grant scholars direct or indirect and effective access to the objects of their research. This includes access to research material and instructions to effectively make use of it as well as a work place at the facility. Furthermore, ITSERR aims at matching all successful TNA applicants with experts at the facilities to have access to relevant expertise.


The WP11 leader of WP11 is Fabrizio D’AVENIA, Associate Professor at University of Palermo. The TNA officer of the project is Gabriella Sciortino.  As WP leader, Fabrizio D’Avenia is responsible for the overall management and coordination of WP11 activities. The TNA officer, Gabriella SCIORTINO, is responsible for the development of the TNA programme together with the achievement of its outcomes by following the statements and the procedures developed by RESILIENCE.


  1. Definition of the ITSERR TNA specific features.
  2. Analysis on all the statements, procedures and documents developed by RESILIENCE about TNA.
  3. Cataloguing all digital and physical resources of the Italian Universities and research center of the ITSERR consortium.
  4. Organizing a kickoff workshop with all the WP leaders of the project and key researchers participating in the WP activities.
  5. Managing the administrative effort for the development of the programme.
  6. Establish the TNA resources selection criteria.
  7. Support the creation of a board of Peer Reviewers.
  8. Share the communication strategy for dissemination of TNA calls with RESILIENCE RI.


The project aims at granting:

120 weeks of access (to facilities, data, services and experts) to an estimated number of 50 users

108 months of access to the working groups and research teams of ITSERR to an estimated number of 25 users

The main goal of the research visits is to grant scholars direct or indirect and effective access to the objects of their research. This includes access to research material and instructions to effectively make use of it by matching all successful TNA applicants with experts. ITSERR offers fellowships for qualified researchers (50 users for individual TNA and 25 users for team users) seeking to conduct a research visit at one of the partner facilities.